Best Bed Bug Treatment: The Pros Know - Bed Bug Guide

Best Bed Bug Treatment: The Pros Know

Best Bed Bug TreatmentIf you’re wondering what is the very best bed bug treatment, think about it in the same way that you’d make any other decision that affects your health and well-being. You’d seek the opinion and expert advice of a professional. Pest-control technicians have the training and experience to respond to bed bug infestations, so scheduling an appointment with a pest-control service is the best course of action.

If you’ve researched how to get rid of bed bugs, you know that there are many different methods and that they all work. You have also learned that you can do it yourself or hire a professional.

Professional Exterminators

At first glance, the job of an exterminator looks easy. They spray a bit here and there and then they’re gone. Before they get the uniform and the company vehicle, they must go through many trainings to understand the biology and behavior of pests. They will be tested in pest-control science and must adhere to stringent requirements to obtain licensing for pest-control.

Even after training is completed, rookie exterminators work under an experienced exterminator for a year or more, so they learn their trade well. Experienced exterminators have the necessary knowledge and expertise to find the origin of the problem, make recommendations, and implement a treatment protocol. They also have the tools and chemicals to safely eliminate rodents, bed bugs, and other pests.

How did This Happen?

Even if you keep a very clean home, you can still have an infestation of bedbugs. Bedbugs breed quickly and can live a long time on one meal. Even if only one bed bug enters your immaculate home, it can breed. Before you know it, you’ll have a larger infestation.

Bed bugs can be brought into your home in several ways. They can attach to your luggage, backpacks, purses, furniture, bedding, shoes, or clothing. If you have teens or adolescents in your home, bed bugs can be brought into your home from their gym bags or gym clothing. They can also enter apartments through cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings.

They’re very tiny, so they can easily enter your home without you knowing they’re there.  One of the jobs of an exterminator is to determine how the bed bugs got in so that the origin of the problem can be addressed.

Extermination Appointments and Best Bed Bug Treatment

When the exterminator arrives at your home, he’ll have lots of questions for you to answer. He’ll want to learn about the areas that you suspect bed bugs are living and learn a little more about you and your family’s lifestyle, so he can determine the cause of the infestation. Addressing the cause is an important step, because once your home is treated for bed bugs, if the original cause has not been eradicated, bed bugs are sure to return.

The exterminator will also ask questions about who lives in the home and if you have any pets, so that he can recommend a course of best bed bug treatment that is safe for all of your household inhabitants.

Next, he’ll want to see the areas where you have seen bed bugs. He’ll also check adjacent areas and adjacent rooms. Remember that he’s been trained to look for signs of infestation that you may have missed.

After his inspection, he’ll recommend a best bed bug treatment plan to eliminate the cause of the infestation, treat affected areas, and monitor your home with follow-up appointments. He’ll give you a quote and once you’ve approved it, he can schedule a date to begin his work of eliminating the bed bugs. Depending upon the size of the infestation, extermination of the bed bugs may take 3-4 treatments. Once he’s determined that the bed bugs are gone, he’ll schedule a couple of appointments to re-inspect and make sure that bed bugs have not returned. You can always call him back if you detect bugs or larvae sooner than the next scheduled appointment.

It’s true that you can eliminate bed bugs on your own. Bed bug infestations can become problematic quickly. Specially trained extermination professionals have the training and tools to respond expertly and expediently. Despite their expertise, remember that pest-control is a science, but it’s not an exact science, so several treatments along with follow up is necessary for lasting extermination.

If you really want to get rid of bed bugs today try SayByeBugs! It was developed as a safe and highly effective alternative among a sea of products that rarely deliver on their promises.

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